Hey, being a cat parent isn’t always easy. You could spend copious amounts of time, money and energy doing everything you can think of to get your cat to love you, and they still look you dead in the eye as they slowly knock your glass of water off of that table. We’ve been there. And we’re here for you.
This page is by no means the definitive collection of all your cat related answers. We can’t even say that we 100% agree with every single thing in these videos, but they’re not a bad place to start when you have questions either. So use this page as one of the many resources at your disposal.
There are endless cat how-to videos, books, articles, blogs, movies out there. Find someone you vibe with, and learn everything you can. Or stop into the café or lounge where literally any of the staff there would love nothing more than to chat with you about your cat and brainstorm ideas to solve your cat parent woes. Heck, most of the customers probably would too! You can also always email us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you and help you in any way we can.
Welcome to the world of crazy cat parents. We’re so happy you’re here. 🐱